How to Farm Territe in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds?

Are you looking for ways to earn more Territe in the Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds? Well, then you have landed in the right place. In this article, we will teach you everything you need to learn about “How to Farm Territe in Ni No Kuni Cros Worlds”. So, Let’s begin,

How to Farm Territe in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds?

Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds is an MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) launched by Netmarble INC on May 27th. With amazing graphics and smooth gameplay, the game’s player base is growing drastically, and so is the competition to bet at the top.

What is Territe in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds?

In Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds, Territe is an in-game currency you can use to craft new weapons. The materials used for crafting are very easy to acquire, so crafting should be your go-to method of getting more potent weapons and equipment if you are a free-to-play player.

The materials used in crafting are Territte, weapons crystals and weapon recipes. You can gather these materials by farming in Chaos Fields or clearing monsters in the open world. You can also acquire additional weapon recipes by doing daily tasks. 

The Territe can also be exchanged for Crypto Currency, but only if you are playing the game using the pc client. Unfortunately, this exchange system currently is not available to mobile players. If you have more questions regarding the exchange system of Territe, we recommend you to keep reading the article as we will discuss everything in detail.

Also Read, our guide on How to Farm 4-Star Weapons Fast.

How To Farm Territe in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds?

Currently, there are many ways to earn or farm Territe in the game, and we will look at each of them individually. So, Let’s begin, 

1. Daily Mission Rewards

The Daily Mission reward is the easiest way to earn Territe in the game, as these rewards get reset every day and can be acquired by earning 60 daily activity task points. The tasks include many easy tasks like completing one swift solution task and doing familiar cradles or the fire temple, which can be completed by spending just 15 minutes. After reaching 60 points, the game rewards you with 50 Territe and an Energy potion which can be used to earn more Territe.

daily activity

You can access your daily task by first opening your Menu and then clicking on missions, and there you should see an option of daily tasks.

2. Completing Main Quest

This is a fun and exciting way of getting Territe, but it is also a very challenging one in the long run. You can get Territe by completing the game’s main story quests in every character and earn Territe and 25+ extra backpack inventory slots for each class. By every character, we mean every class, which will also reward you with diamonds. So, according to us, it’s a win-win situation, and you should also upgrade all your classes to level 40.

3. Familiar Adventure

The Familiar Adventure is another way of farming the Territe. Once you unlock your Familiar adventure option, then you need to reach level 5 to unlock Territe mines. You can further increase your chance of spawning a Territe mine by using the free map reset every day, which will spawn more mines.

Familiar Adventure

To access familiar adventure, open your Menu and then click on the challenges option, and now you should see the adventure option in the sub-menu.

One thing you should remember is that you cannot buy Territe in the in-game shop; however, you can buy it from the crypto exchange system. 

4. Chaos Fields

The chaos field in the game Ni No Kuni is a place where you can idle farm for many rare in-game items and Territe. Yes, you can farm Territe for hours in the chaos fields using auto-battle or Ai mode without even playing the game.

Chaos Field in Ni No Kuni Cross World

In the chaos fields, you can farm for weapon upgrade materials, but we are here to farm tokens, so we need Territe. We recommend you farm from monsters at least 10 levels above you so that you get extra drop rates for items and gain extra exp as well.

And don’t forget to use energy drinks in the chaos fields; energy drinks are in-game items which increase the farming yield and drop rates from monsters by 700%! So yes, if you are farming for Territe, always use energy drinks, and you can obtain energy drinks by doing daily activities.

Also Read:

How To get more Territe Energy?

First, let’s understand why we need Territe energy in the game. The Territe energy is a factor which determines how much Territe you can earn per day, and it’s calculated on every Territe drop. So, for example, if you have 200 Territe energy and for each Territe that the monsters drop in the chaos field, it will be subtracted by 1. Secondly, the Territe energy level is required to calculate how good your Territe drop rates will be when killing a monster.


how to increse territe enery

Now that you know how Territe energy is utilized in the game, let’s have a look at how to increase it. Currently, there is only one way for levelling up and maximizing Territe energy, which is by levelling up your main class. Each time you reach levels 20,40,60,80, and 100, your Territe energy level and maximum limit will be increased.

There’s also a misconception that levelling up all your classes will increase your Territe level, which is incorrect as you can only level it up by levelling your main class.

How To Exchange Territe To Crypto Currency?

Now let’s talk about the most exciting factor of Territe, which is exchanging it for cryptocurrency. Well, you need to create a Marblex wallet and then link your account with a Marblex wallet account, and you also need a pc to run the Ni No Kuni Pc client to exchange it successfully. 

territe exchange

After that, you need to change your Territe to tokens to exchange them for cryptocurrency. You first need to open your Menu in the game, then go to the shop, and there you should see an option to exchange tokens. After that, to exchange Territe for the crypto token, you need black diamonds, which you need to buy from their online market, and after that, you can exchange them for Territe token, which will be sent to your Marblex account.

That is all for this article. I hope that you were able to learn about the best ways to farm Territe in the world of Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds. If you have questions regarding this article, feel free to comment using the comment section below! 

Download: Ni No Kuni Cross worlds (Play Store)

Download: Ni No Kuni Cross worlds (App Store)

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