Are you looking forward to playing Witch to her fullest in Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds? Then look no further as in this article, we will teach you everything about Destroyer Class in “Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds Witch Guide”. So, Let’s begin,
Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds Witch Guide with Build and Skills
Ni No Kuni is an MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) launched by Netmarble Inc. It was then published by Level 5, the original creators of the Ni No Kuni Franchise. on May 27th. Like the other titles in the Ni No Kuni series, the cross worlds also feature two distinct worlds, the “Real-world” and the “Fantasy worlds”, where players will spend most of their time.
Introduction To Class Witch
Ni No Kuni Witch is a Glass Canon type character who uses telekinesis to swing her spear and destroy her enemies in seconds. The Witch has significantly less defence but very high outburst damage. The Witch excels at solo plays wiping off enemies with quick high damage combos and attacks, which add debuffs to enemies.
1. Playstyle
Witches play the same role as the glass cannon character, as they can rely on their teammates and purely focus on attack. She will shine the most if paired up with engineers and destroyers. The Witch has many skills like Decaying Touch and Deadly Spikes to shred off their armours and attack speed.
So if you like voice lines that remind you of your favourite anime characters, deleting enemies in seconds with quick combos and high damage, then Witch is the class we recommend for you.
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2. Class Skills
The Witch in the game has 3 unique class skills, and with high AOE effects, very high burst damage and short cooldowns, they are your reliable source of damage while playing Witch. And remember that the skill element will be the same as the equipped weapon.
For example, if you have equipped a water-type spear, it will change all the class skills attacks to the water element. You cannot swap or change class skills with any other Special skill so try to level up the class skills whenever you get the chance.
Spear Dance – When used, the spear pierces through the air and grants a shield during casting. Spear dance deals 265.8 of ATK +2,457 as damage and creates a shield during casting with 21.82% of ATK + 1,35.
It has a cooldown of 15 seconds. We recommend you to use this skill to attack monsters in close range, or this skill can also be used to deal damage to multiple targets at once, so using it as a crowd control skill will be the best option.
Piercing Strom – When used, the piercing storm throws a spinning spear to pierce through and knocks down enemies for 1.5 seconds. Piercing storm deals 195.48% of ATK + 1.953 as damage, and it has a cooldown of 13 seconds. We recommend you to use this skill to fight in mid-range or close range against your enemies or monsters.
Winged Spear – When used, it directs the spinning spear to attack the enemy and decreases enemies movement speed. Winged Spear deals 185.84% of ATK + 1,712 as damage and reduces the enemy’s movement speed by 23.22% for 3 seconds, and it has a cooldown of 12 seconds.
We recommend you use this skill on low HP enemies, or you can use it to escape from the enemies after slowing them down. This skill is best for close-range combat.
Class Skill Combo for Witch Class:
So for the best class skill combination, we recommend you to engage with Piercing Strom, then follow up with Winged Spear and end the combination with Spear Dance for the maximum damage output potential.
3. Burst Skill/Ultimate Skill
The ultimate skill of the Class Witch is called Infinite Spear. When used, it summons countless spears in a circle and bombards the area around the target. It deals more damage to the monster type enemies. Infinite spear deals 81.7% of ATK as damage per hit. Deals 105.26% of more damage to monster type enemies.
This skill is Witch’s best crowd control skill as it can hit multiple targets at once. We recommend you to use this skill when the enemies around you are low on hp. Use this skill in mid-range or close range to have more impact on the enemies and monsters.
The ultimate skill, Infinite Spear, is undoubtedly the most potent skill in the Witch’s arsenal, and we recommend you to use it on large hordes of monsters or a group of players for maximum effect.
4. Special Skills
Special skills are interchangeable, so you can easily swap skills according to your preference when engaging on the battlefield. But there are specific skills that are better than the rest, so we will teach you which skills you should equip to get the maximum damage and utility out of Witch.
Twilight Nova – When used, it continuously expels the power of light and damages nearby enemies to stun them. Recovers HP based on the number of targets hit by the skill. Twilight Nova deals 99% of ATK as light damage per hit. Stuns enemies for 1 second instantly restores 1% of Max HP per enemy hit. It has a cooldown of 33 seconds.
We recommend you use this skill whenever you get the chance to as you can deal more damage with your other skills after using twilight nova, use this skill in close range fight against your enemies to stun them and restore your HP.
Decaying Touch – When used, it pierces the target with a powerful orb of fire and decreases the defence of HP Potion and heals recovery of the pierced enemies. Decaying Touch deals 261% of ATK as fire damage and reduces the enemy’s defence by 15% and HP Potion and heal recovery by 20% for 5 seconds. It has a cooldown of 20 seconds.
We recommend you to use this skill after using spear dance or Infinite Spear. It’s also one of the crowd control skills of Witch, so use it in close range combat to have more impact on your enemies.
Deadly Spike – When used, it summons a fatal thorn of darkness that pierces the target, and the damaged enemy temporarily takes additional damage. Deadly Spike deals 336% of ATK as darkness damage increases damage taken by enemies by 12.5% for 6 seconds, and it has a cooldown of 40 seconds.
We recommend you to use this skill in long-range or mid-range combats. Use any of the other special skills after using deadly Spike to have more impact on your enemies.
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5. Passive skills
Rapid Pulse – Rapid pulse has a chance to increase the party’s ATK speed and CRIT Damage on a successful attack.
Attack Aura – The attack aura creates an aura that increases the party’s ATK, and the effect is applied automatically to all party members in the same area.
HP Aura – HP Aura creates an aura that increases the party’s HP. The effect is applied automatically to all the party members in the same area.
That is it for this article. I hope you were able to learn everything about the class Witch. To read more interesting facts about Ni No Kuni and to get the best tips and tricks, check out our other articles and leave a comment down below if you have any questions.
Download: Ni No Kuni Cross worlds (Play Store)
Download: Ni No Kuni Cross worlds (App Store)

I am a YouTuber, gamer, and a small community manager, and my youtube name is LightSan. I grew up playing CSGO and watching league of legends, and I got hooked up to mobile games from playing pubg mobile, mobile legends, and many fps games.