Fix Stuck at level 29 or 39 in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds

Are you stuck at level 29 or 39 in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds and can’t seem to figure out a way to get past it? Then you have come to the right place as in this article, we will teach you everything you need to know to cross that next level barrier.

Fix Stuck at level 29 or 39 in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds

Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds is an MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) launched by Netmarble Inc. It was then published by Level 5, the original creators of the Ni No Kuni Franchise, on May 27th. 

Since its release, the game has seen a massive increase in the player base. Like the other titles in the Ni No Kuni series, the cross worlds also feature two distinct worlds, the “Real-world” and the “Fantasy worlds”, where players will spend most of their time.  

Levelling Up in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds

Levelling up in Ni No Kuni is a quite simple game in the beginning, but as you progress in the game, there will be many roadblocks where you will be asked to level up with any quests to gain exp points. Don’t be afraid cause we have got your back. In this article, we will be talking about all the ways that you can gather exp points to level up faster to cross that level 29 or 39 barriers.

Now we say that levels 29 and 39 in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds are barriers because the game drops you on your own without any major quests to gain exp for a whole level. It is very hard for players to figure out what to do after that cause the majority of the gameplay is based on auto navigation.

1. Daily Shift Solution Quets

Many players in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds don’t like doing these quests, but we highly recommend you do them regularly every single day. Now I know there will be some players who do not have the time to do every single quest but don’t worry, as swift solution quests can be completed by giving an insignificant sum of gold.

Swift Solutions Quest

We also recommend you refresh errands and try to check for premium or rare quests as they give your more exp points, so always go for them. Swift solutions take only 2-3 minutes of your time but can reward you up to 500k exp points if you are lucky. 

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2. Kingdom General Store

Joining a kingdom has many advantages, one of which is buying exp from the kingdom’s general store. You can donate a small amount of gold and obsidian to the kingdom to receive kingdom currency, which you can exchange for many items, including large amounts of exp points.

kingdom exp

We recommend you to buy the exp from the general store at the end of your playing session as the number of experience points you can buy from the kingdom’s general store increases with each level.

To access kingdom dominion, just go to the menu, select social, and click on dominion. 

3. Chaos Fields

The Chaos Field in the game Ni No Kuni is a place where you can idle farm for many rare in-game items and also Exp points. Yes, you can exp farm for hours in the chaos fields with auto-battle or using Ai mode.

In the chaos fields, you can farm for weapon upgrade materials, but we are here to level up, and so we need exp points. We recommend you to farm from monsters that are at least 10 levels above you so that you get extra drop rates for items and gain extra exp as well.

Chaos Field in Ni No Kuni Cross World

And don’t forget to use energy drinks in the chaos fields. Energy drinks are in-game items that increase the farming yield and drop rates from monsters by 700%! So yes, if you are farming for exp, always use energy drinks. You can obtain energy drinks by doing daily activities.

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4. Labyrinth Of Dreams

For Last, we have a labyrinth of dreams or also known as solo dungeons. These dungeons are fun of gathering exp by clearing levels of the labyrinth by killing hordes of monsters or killing bosses in a given time. The labyrinth of dreams also rewards you with diamonds for collecting a given number of stars for each level.

labryinth of dreams

You can access the labyrinth by first going to the menu and then clicking on the challenge, and there you should see the icon for the labyrinth of dreams.

That is all for this article. I hope you were able to learn everything about levelling up and crossing that level 29 or 39 barriers in the world of Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds. If you have any feedback that you want to give or any questions that you want to ask, then feel free to use the comment section below.

Download: Ni No Kuni Cross worlds (Play Store)

Download: Ni No Kuni Cross worlds (App Store)

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